
HONORING OUR VETERANS is excited to announce that 21st Century Heros has merged with HOV!  HOV will continue to offer woodcarving programs.  If you would like to participate in any HOV programs, please fill out an application, per instructions here.


Is Now

Upcoming Workshops

Aug 12-19, 2023  Photography Workshop

Aug 21-28, 2023 Men’s Fly Fishing

Sept. 11-18, 2023 Women’s Fly Fishing

Our Mission

Honoring Our Veterans mission is to improve the quality of life for combat wounded veterans by offering them activities that strengthen their physical, cognitive, emotional and social functioning.


Our primary activities are week-long photography, fly fishing and wood carving workshops. Jackson, WY, with its natural beauty and caring community, is in a unique position to provide activities proven to be theraputic for those suffering from the trauma of war.

“After 8 years in the military, this trip brought me back to what was fun about a field exercise…bonding with others, sharing stories, and lots of laughs.  I am humbled and grateful for having spent this time, leaving with new brothers and sisters.  I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”

Chet Woods, United States Army and Air Force

We Make An Impact!

Veterans Served Since 2015

Volunteer Hours

Workshops Delivered

Honoring Our Veterans

is a 501(c)(3) Organization.

(c) Copyright.  All rights reserved.